“Your little feet warms my heart, Your little hands bring success in our life!! We are so lucky to have you as our daughter”
Quotes For Daughter
“My pencil gonna write a story about your life journey, I wish I will caught all the best part of life for you”
Quotes For Daughter
Daughters are precious, not everyone can afford them! only few lucky parents have this chance, because God choose us!! Have a bright future my child.
Love You Daughter Quotes
What is a Daughter?
A daughter is a blessing from God that you didn’t know you need.
Whenever a couple or parents are blessed with a baby girl, they are blessed with smiles, happy events, and a good daughter who will grow into a beautiful and strong woman one day to start her own family.
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What does it feel like to be a daughter?
Sometime in life I might get angry on you, But when you smile at me I forget all the anger.. Keep this magical smile and shiny eyes like this always!!
Sweet Heart Daughter Quotes
Being a daughter feels like the glue that holds the family together.

A daughter has much responsibility; she carries the pride of the family. She is actually the dignity of the family.
Rose give rosy fragrance,
Sun gives sunny rays, Moon Shine in the night,
I wish your future is very bright!!
Quotes for daughter
Quotes for daughter
A daughter shares a very special and sensitive bond with her mother, father, and her whole family. She is sensitive yet strong and decisive.
To appreciate and love every beautiful daughter, here are some quotes to signify their importance. They deserve to be treated like the queens that they are.
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Strong Daughter Quotes:
A daughter has a lot of weight to carry on her shoulders. The weight of dignity and the weight of unity. Here are some quotes to share with your lovely and strong daughters:

Daughters are sensitive yet so strong and decisive.
Quotes for daughters
Mommy’s Girl
Daddy’s World,
You are our Wonder World!!
When you come in our life, we knows the real love, That unconditional love, care & those warm hugs from you.. Your pretty smile is our pride my doll!!
Darling Daughter Quotes
Daughters might seem delicate, but the emotional power they hold is unmatched.
Quotes for daughter
A daughter’s love for her blood relation is never-ending, and she can sacrifice anything for her family.
Quotes for daughters
Most daughters sacrifice their own happiness for their families. This shows how strong they are.
Quotes for daughter
A son is a blessing from God that you have prayed for whereas a daughter Is a blessing and gift that God Himself bestowed upon you.
Quotes for daughters
Another famous quote says that a daughter is not a tension (something to worry about) but is equal to ten sons.
Quotes for daughters
You can rely on your sons till they have got their wives, but you can always rely on your daughters even if they are married.
Quotes for daughters
No matter what part of the world a daughter is living in, she will never stop caring for her family.
Quotes for daughters
Daughters are under-loved and under-appreciated. They deserve more love and appreciation.
Quotes for daughters
A daughter learns to live life with patience, and patience is indeed the best way to spend a life.
Quotes for daughters
A daughter will put her trust in you even if the whole world is against you because she puts her trust in hearts that trust her.
Quotes for daughters
A daughter is like a back bone; if you try to amend it, it will break. So let it be the way it is or teach her with love only.
Quotes for daughters
Mother Daughter Quotes:
We all know how lovely and beautiful a bond a mother and daughter shares. To praise this bond, here are some quotes to look at:

There’s no bond more friendly than a bond that a mother and daughter shares.
Quotes for daughters
A mom and daughter are like Tom and Jerry. They have arguments and fights, but they love each other, and they cannot live without each other.
Quotes for daughters
To a mom, a daughter is like a friend and a partner to share love and dreams.
Quotes for daughters
When a daughter is young, she has no friends other than her mom. A mom is that friend who is always there for you.
Quotes for daughters
A mother and daughter are connected by feelings of the heart. The distance can never part them.
Quotes for daughters
The love present in a bond that a mother and daughter shares, cannot be put into words. Love is just immaculate.
Quotes for daughters
For many people, life lessons have changed them for the better, but it was my daughter that pushed me and motivated me to become a better mom and a person.
Quotes for daughters
In a daughter’s life, her mum’s the ever-shining sun to brighten up her day.
Quotes for daughters
Every daughter is thankful for a lovely mother that they have.
Quotes for daughters
Mother Daughter Inspirational Quotes:
Almost to every daughter, her mother is an inspiration and she looks up to her for motivation and for pushing herself to be her best. The bond that a daughter and mother share is an admirable bond, to admire this bond, here are some quotes:
A mother is a daughter’s first teacher and an inspiration to learn more about life.

Mothers teach you a lot of things to a daughter, and one of them is that you are not defined by your beautiful features but by the beauty of your mind and manners.
Read Black Women Quotes a real inspiration for your life..Being a women is nice but if you are a mother in law then share these beautiful quotes with your daughter in law.
A mother will always inspire you and motivate you to fly, even if it requires cutting down her own wings.
A mother’s most proud moment is when her daughter wholeheartedly follows her footsteps.
A daughter is an angel to her mother. She reminds her of all the goodness and piety in this world.
With every life experience, a mother shares with her daughter, her daughter grows stronger and sharper.
A mother understands the innocence of her daughter, which is why she is afraid to let her out in the world, but it is necessary to let your daughter experience the worldly hardships.
A mother and daughter never doubt their love for each other. They can doubt themselves but never doubt their love for each other.
A mother and daughter endlessly radiate motivation and inspiration for each other.
Every little girl of a mother is made of courage, toughness, heart, gut, and sacrifices. Which is why every daughter is so strong.
A daughter is happy news when she’s born and is a hopeful success for the future.
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Funny Mother Daughter Quotes:
Daughters share a hilarious bond with their mums. It either is genetically transferred to the daughter through mother or is just an inbuilt thing. They share funny jokes regarding life, friends, and mostly boys. Here are some funny quotes to express this mother-daughter bond in a funny way:
My daughter might have not got my funny gene because she clearly jokes like her father, and that is not funny at all.😂
There’s no manual that comes with life so God blessed daughters with mothers.
My mom is the best, I am not saying this by choice but because I have no other choice😅
I smile when I think that I have a mum like you, but I laugh when I think that you cannot do anything about it.
My mom is funny but I am funnier. This is not what I say but what the family thinks.
Every mom can relate to the fact that by the time her daughter realizes that what she did was wrong, she has a daughter that does the same.
I will always be thankful to my mom for carrying me 9 months in her womb and carrying me financially and emotionally for 24 years.
I think asking for friends on Facebook is a big deal to ask as a mother who has clothed you and took care of you.
I listen to Cardi B at high volume when I go to pick up my daughter from school. Is that cool? because I see kids laughing when I do so.
Why does my daughter think that I can’t be cool? I share Karen jokes on my Facebook.
Being a mom to a daughter isn’t easy. You gotta teach her how to walk, talk, throw it back, and, most importantly, shake it.
Short And Cute Mother- Daughter Quotes
A daughter is a mother’s best friend.
A mother is a daughter’s most precious treasure.
I always prefer spending time with my mom over spending time with friends.
A mother will brighten your day and will fill your heart with warmth and love.
A mother’s lap is the most peaceful place for a daughter.
A mother’s shoulder is always available for the daughter to lean on.
A daughter always has her mother to listen to her problems.
A mother has been through experiences which makes her qualified to understand her daughter’s problems.
As Winnie, the Pooh said: It is the smallest things that take-up big spaces in your heart.
Love between a mother and daughter is just perfect.
You should always love your mother because you wouldn’t be getting any other mother than her.
All my work-life problems and worries disappear when I look at my mom’s face.
A mother can scan a daughter’s problem by just looking into her eyes.
A mother knows her daughter’s friend more than her. She can detect every fake and loyal friend.
Father Daughter Quotes
A father is the only man in this world that can truly love his daughter more than anyone. A father works day and night to secure the future of his little princess.
Here are some quotes which highlight the lovely bond that a father and daughter share.
To my lovely daughter, with every sunrise, my love and care for you increase.
As a father, I always pray to God that my princess gets a prince who will treat her right.
A daughter always resembles her father in every manner, be it good looks or etiquette.
A daughter looks up to her father when she can’t find strength and power to get through all the struggles of life.
A daughter can grow out of a father’s lap, but she can never grow out of her father’s heart.
If a father wants his daughter to pray for him, he should take her out shopping.
A dad might not be able to perfectly tie his daughter’s hair, but he surely knows how to take care of her and laugh when she’s sad and heartbroken.
For a father, it is the saddest for him to look at his small girl at her wedding all grown up to say goodbye to her daddy.
Fathers cry at their daughter’s wedding because they are actually giving away a part of themselves to someone.
A father sometimes might be annoyed by his daughter’s careless behavior, but once she gets married, he misses her the most.
A daughter can be the cause of a dad’s sleeplessness, but the same daughter is the cure and piece for that father.
Daddy’s girl never cries when her mum says no to a plan because she knows that her father will allow her to do it.
Every father loves to spoil his daughter with love, care, and affection.
A daughter doesn’t worry when her mum says ’no’ because his dad will always say ’yes’ to the same thing.
Cute Quotes For Father Daughter Bond
Here are some quotes that a father can use to express cute feelings for his daughter:
It doesn’t matter how many boys I date or whom I marry; you will always be the best and my number one man in my heart.
After your mother, you are the only girl whom I love endlessly and with whom I’d walk to the other side of the world if needed.
A daughter doesn’t need armor when she has a dad to protect her.
God has bestowed me with many gifts, but the best of them is my daughter.
To a daughter, a father is everything. Her superhero, her bank account, her friend, her advisor, her career counselor, and her king.
A father’s hug melts away every worry that a daughter has.
A father might be strong and muscular, but in front of his daughter, he becomes a small chick or puppy who would love to be caressed.
A father is a big guy, and a daughter is a tiny girl. But in this case, the big person will never intend to hurt or harm the little fairly like a person.
A father will know about all the secrets his daughter hid from him, but he will never complain.
A father can carry her daughter for hours but wouldn’t put her down just so that she can rest.
These were some of my quotes which kind of describes the bond that a daughter shares with her mother and father. You can share these quotes with your daughter or with your parents!
A daughter is not a responsibility or a liability. She is more capable of doing anything by her self. Daughter are such a beautiful blessing and world best gift given by the God!!
A Daughter’s Story: A girl is born and is treated like Princess in her childhood. In India, Girl is treated as Goddess Laxmi ji. Goddess Laxmi is basically The God of Money Wealth and Prosperity. Before birth of Jain Thirhankar Shri 1008 Mahaveer Swami ji (24th Thirthankar in Jain) his mother ,devi trishla saw a dream of 16 things. Among them one important part was the fourth part ,there is The Goddess Laxmi blessing her child.
In Indian culture Girls are form of The Goddess. Many Goddess like Devi Durga Mata, Saraswati Mata,Laxmi ji,Kali Mata,Parvati Mata,Sita Mata.
When comes to real life girls have to face discrimination within the society. Things and environment regarding females /girls /women’s are changing and now in corporate world,its mandatory to have diversity candidate in Office at each level. International Women’s day is celebrated on 8th March every year.
Recently many movies are made on Real life Women’s like Saand Ki Annkh,Shakuntala Devi the mathematician,Gunjan Saxena -the Kargil Girl.
And How the we forget many award winning movie of the decade -Daangal based on Geeta Phogat and Babita Phogat -the Phogat sisters .The movie is based on girls from a village who dominated the male oriented Sport called as Kusti.These girls are Olympic medal winners and inspiration and motivation for many girls. Now fighter Pilots are daughters.
In my same post /website,you can read many Women related Quotes like Deepika Padukone Quotes,Black Women Quotes,Mother In Law Quotes,Good Morning Quotes for her.
I am sure you enjoyed Quotes for Daughter .