HappyHug Day 2021 one from the heart of my heart. 10 hugs to you on this Happy hug day!
Having a warm hug I wish to inform you that my love for you is real. Happy Hug Day!
U can not wrap love in a box, But can wrap a individual in a hug. So here’s a hug 4 u with this Hug Day.
Something warm and comfy Just for you because I love you. . Happy Hug day

The moment I spent in your arms makes me feel like I’m in heaven I wish to shower my love on you, to make your day unique. Happy Hug Day
Hug is the loving gift for free and Love increases with time.
Hug to someone special at hug day, And say him love you, then observe the effect. Happy hug day.
If you are mad at a loved one, hug that person.
I wish I was an octopus so that I could hug 8 people at one time on Hug Day.
Your hugs make me feel great and my day get the chance to filled with happiness and joy.
Worrying about life can reduce strength, So, rather than worrying, Always hug the life as it’s with a nice smile at face.
Sometimes just a warm hug says a million words that speech can not explain.
Your hugs are one of my treasures because whenever I am enveloped in it, it feels like I’m wrapped in gold.
Hug Day Wishes and Quotes
Plunders is your palate I present to you, openly I hug the world of our friendship enlarging its outer limit.
“My candy valentine, I never ask you to hug, I just hug you, I don’t ask to love you, I just love you, I don’t say you; I cannot live without you, I just live for you..”
If you love someone then you must always express it with your own words and actions and HUGS have the capacity to express it the best…. Happy Hug Day!!
Happy Hug Day Quotes for him/ her
Although we are apart, your love constantly hugs me personally to give me joy in each one of my highs and my lows. A long tight hug from you’d be perfect at this time.
All my friends know that I am a thug but I know I could do anything to your hug!
It doesn’t matter where you Are I’ll always be with You Hug you tight & shower you with my kisses I love you beyond Imagination Wishing my Love. Happy Hug Day.
If a hug could communicate how much I love you, I’d hold you in my arms forever.
Hug is a way to share joy,
Joy and sadness,
I want to hug you, like I wish to share everything with you.
I am sending you this hug… IT’S FREE! Happy Hug Day
Let us share a hug Each and every day Since love doesn’t need A Happy Hugs Day.
Never want to miss a single opportunity to be near you. Happy Hug Day 2020.
Hug me when I’m near you, kiss me when I am with you and miss me when I’m not around. . .Happy Hug Day Darling!
Give a nice hug to your children, And wish them a really happy hug day, With a great deal of care and love. Happy hug day.
Hug Day 12th feb.
Getting stress and tension will not force us to fail yesterday’s grief. But it requires today’s calmness of mind. So be happy and hug lifetime having a smile.
Every day, I want to begin my day with your warm hugs. You’re the sole reason why my heart is beating with your love and attention.
Happy Hug Day Quotes
There’s one present in this world giving that is like receiving. Even out of a hundred mile away, I can feel your arms around me and the hot breath of yours in my shoulder.
I love you not for what you are, but for what you make me when I’m with you. . .
A hug is a handshake in the heart. So always stay close to my heart and best wishes with this Hug Day 2020.
Just do me a favor, place your left hand on your right shoulder and Ur right hand on your left shoulder.
Guess what … I just messaged you a hug.
The most necessary thing for me to begin my day are your hugs because they give me all the power to face the challenging challenges out there…. . Happy Hug Day 2020.
I am just a medical care provider, neither an expert, but I know I am in a position to mend all your pain just with a magic hug.
Do not worry to hug much because an overdose of hug never causes your BP or sugar level high, it is always sugar and natural. Enjoy it outside the limit. Happy hug day 2020!
A Hug is your loving gift that costs no money and could be distributed free of charge to create the love grow.
A Hug is the present which costs no money and certainly helps in growing love… Happy Hug Day love!
Irrespective of where you’re, I will generally discover my route to hug you tightly and shower you with my kisses.